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The OG “Scream Queen” Jamie Lee Curtis paid homage to her legendary mother Janet Leigh when she dressed up as Marion Crane from Alfred Hitchcock’s hit 1960 movie Psycho. Drew Barrymore did an awesome throwback to her character Casey Becker from 1996’s Scream for her hit daytime show.

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Last year, fans saw Kravis pull off the most iconic punk couples costume where they dressed as Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen. Halloween 2021 was the soft launch into the thrilling and spellbinding Halloween comeback we’ve all been waiting for since restrictions lifted. But who rose above all the ghouls and goblins to take the “Best Costume” crown? Here’s a list of some of the best celebrity Halloween costumes of 2022 so far.

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Spooked out! Halloween season is in full swing and many celebs came out for the occasion in their best garb.

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